A colourful html data set on a screen that vanishes towards the right side of the picture into a darker shade.

How to build a software organization sustainably

Traditional industry players are challenged wirth a rapidly growing digital environment. Hence, they are eager to speed up their transformation efforts and excel the transition from hardware to software provider to keep ahead of their competition.

Digital Process Management & Cyber Security for SMEs

Die digitale Transformation, ein Buzzword wie es im Buche steht, seit Jahren spricht man davon, trotzdem gibt es im Detail, vor allem auf prozessualer Ebene, oft noch ein größeres Fragezeichen. Zum Beispiel bei der Frage wie Digitalisierung im eigenen Unternehmen am Besten umgesetzt werden kann.
View from what seems like the top of a train towards a right turn of the tracks in blue colours. Over that the Advantage Austria Logo in red is visible.

International Mobility Days 2020

Two exciting days of the WKO International Mobility Days 2020 in Vienna are over. Two days full of defining content, insights, and fruitful discussions in our designated B2B networking areas.
A woman standing in what seems to be here flat wearing a virtual reality device. In the background you can see through a window and get a glimpse of neighbour buildings.

Use Cases for Virtual Reality in KMUs

Digitalisierung zum Anfassen! Das ist unser Credo, wenn es darum geht Digitalisierung in Unternehmen, unabhängig der Größe, zu integrieren und diese auch mit accilium und unserer 100%igen digitalen DNA vorzuleben.
Günter Steinbauer, Alexander Hotowy und Alexandra Reinagl stehen auf einer Bühne bei einer Live-Streaming-Veranstaltung und sprechen miteinander.

Clean, quiet, safe: What mobility mix does a livable city need?

Rund um die Fragestellung “Sauber, leise, sicher: "Welchen Mobilitätsmix braucht die lebenswerte Stadt?” haben die Wiener Linien zu einem spannenden Tag in die Remise des Verkehrsmuseums in Wien, moderiert von Alexander Hotowy, Managing Partner von accilium, geladen.

The road to cost-efficient decarbonized and zero emission transport

he transition from fossil-fuel powered to sustainably powered public transport is not only possible when carefully planned, but also cost-efficient and the preferred solution by the customers, operators and public transport companies. DNV and accilium have, together with clients and partners, successfully demonstrated that sustainable public transport is feasible.

3 years anniversary of accilium – Time to celebrate?

Due to the circumstances, we didn't make a fuzz out of it, but March 2020 was the 3 years anniversary of accilium. Despite looking back at many great successes, growing a team of over 50, opening 3 offices in Vienna, Munich and Berlin and being awarded one of the best consultancies in Germany, in the end not everything turned out as planned.
A road that turns around a couple of trees inside a city centre.

Part III: Robo cabs in the city center – a not too far away scenario

Driverless Cars, renewed urban traffic concepts, new business models in and around mobility solutions – discussions about an autonomous future entail all of these vibrant topics, and so did our MaaS Conference in November 2019. Which are the challenges, cities and governments are facing? What technological solutions are already available, and which issues are vehicle manufacturers confronted with? Which role will data and data security take? What does autonomous driving entail for each individual and our everyday lives? And when and how will we get to the autonomous future?

Part II: How Can Self-Driving Cars Fit into our Society?

Driverless cars, renewed urban traffic concepts, new business models in and around mobility solutions – discussions about an autonomous future entail all of these vibrant topics, and so did our MaaS Conference in November 2019. Which are the challenges, cities and governments are facing?

Home office – The development trap

Die MitarbeiterInnen finden es wahnsinnig toll, die Anreise ins Office zu sparen. Jeden Tag gehen je nach Anfahrtszeit 1-2 Stunden wertvolle Freizeit oder Arbeitszeit verloren. Nicht nur das, auch viel produktiver arbeitet man zu Hause, da man ungestört ist. Kein Kollege stört, kein Gespräch zwischendurch. Nur über Telefon oder Videotelefonie erreichbar zu sein erleichtert die Abgrenzung.