Function Data Intelligence & Technologies

Digital Process Management & Cyber Security for SMEs

Die digitale Transformation, ein Buzzword wie es im Buche steht, seit Jahren spricht man davon, trotzdem gibt es im Detail, vor allem auf prozessualer Ebene, oft noch ein größeres Fragezeichen. Zum Beispiel bei der Frage wie Digitalisierung im eigenen Unternehmen am Besten umgesetzt werden kann.

Use Cases for Virtual Reality in KMUs

A woman standing in what seems to be here flat wearing a virtual reality device. In the background you can see through a window and get a glimpse of neighbour buildings.
Digitalisierung zum Anfassen! Das ist unser Credo, wenn es darum geht Digitalisierung in Unternehmen, unabhängig der Größe, zu integrieren und diese auch mit accilium und unserer 100%igen digitalen DNA vorzuleben.

Writing future code – a brogrammer culture?

On Tuesday, the 20th of September, Anja Moestl, as a representative of our accilium women, had the pleasure to attend the Forbes Women’s Summit in beautiful Zurich, along with many inspiring and strong women of various fields of expertise. ​

Applied Artificial Intelligence – The driving force of Industry 4.0

Applied Artificial Intelligence in logistics, production and quality management  Artificial Intelligence, abbreviated with AI, is considered to be the most relevant cross-sectoral innovation of our time. Within the industrial sector, it will be the driving force behind Industry 4.0 and the…

Autonomous Driving – One step closer to artificial intelligence

At first glance the driverless vehicle seems to be a rather new idea, but in fact it is already a century old. In 1918, the newspaper Oakland Tribune mentioned in one of its reports the "Motor Car of the Future": "The new car will be [...] controlled entirely by a set of push buttons." In the past century, the automobile expanded its potential from a mere means of transportation into a mobile living space.

Part 3: From best practice to the global stage

Make or Break for hydrogen mobility: From best practice to the global stage (Part 3) Looking back at the first two articles of this series, we have learned about the major impact of policies on the deployment of hydrogen mobility as…

Part 2: Infrastructure holds the key

As we have learned in the first article of this series, policies can have a major impact on the deployment of hydrogen mobility. Still the infrastructure acts as a bottleneck for that deployment. In this article we will show how…

Beyond Lean Management & Industry 4.0

Following the invitation of UNIDO, Michael Toborek (Senior Associate, accilium) had the pleasure to share his expertise at the “From Lean Management to Industry 4.0” conference which took place in Minsk, Belarus, from 17 to 18 October 2018. In front…