At least 50 thin lines of light red and dark blue colour form a vortex in front of a black background and meet in one single point at the right side of the picture.

Data governance & InfoSec

The Challenge

The current phase marks an unprecedented increase in the volume of data, accompanied by rapid technological change. Given this dynamic, many organizations are facing enormous challenges in managing data across the enterprise and ensuring its integrity and security. Solid data governance and information security are essential to handle data efficiently and, for example, to introduce AI applications securely. Many organizations fail to gain a competitive advantage from their data because they fail to establish effective data governance and information security that could serve as a foundation for the use of their data.

Our Approach

Data can be both a curse and a blessing – depending on how data is handled and information is protected. Our approach to data governance aims to ensure the security and integrity of sensitive information, with employees and processes at the center. Our strategy is based on a strong foundation that builds on best practices in information security. Through an iterative process, we strive for tangible results that not only promote a data-centric mindset, but also support the organization’s strategic goals while ensuring the integrity and security of data.

Our Service Portfolio (Excerpt)

  • Data governance strategy
  • Data management, organization and processes
  • Data guidelines and compliance (e.g. sensitivity classification)
  • Data security assessment and roadmap
  • InfoSec policy definition and tool implementation
  • Zero Trust implementation
  • Data lifecycle management
  • Meta Data management & tool support
  • Data Quality improvements
  • ISO27001 compliance support

“The security and integrity of data is critical as it is the foundation of an organization’s success. By taking a holistic approach to data governance and information security, they can ensure that they can not only make data-driven decisions, but also strengthen the trust of their customers and partners in their organization.”

Peter Allan