Digital Process Management & Cyber Security for SMEs

Digital transformation is a buzzword that has been talked about for years, but there is often still a big question mark over the details, especially at the process level. For example, the question of how digitalization can best be implemented in a company.

Medium-sized and smaller companies are well aware of the future importance of digital transformation. Often, fewer resources or the lack of internal expertise are decisive reasons for not fully integrating digitization and innovation into the corporate DNA. The playing field is left to large players that have been investing in these areas for years or innovative, high-growth start-ups. Sometimes, the right tools are simply lacking to accelerate the necessary processes.

Because it doesn’t have to be this way, Der Brutkasten is organizing the SME Roadshow 2020 under the title “SMEs – shaping the entrepreneurial future” with practical application examples of how digitization can also be used profitably for SMEs and where they can learn from the innovative strength of other companies. Networking and discussion of new potential for cooperation between SMEs, startups and corporates will also play a major role.

The second of four virtual event days focused on digital process management and cyber security. Among many other digitalization experts, Alexander Hotowy, Managing Partner accilium, together with Günther Probst, Managing Director of Schmachtl, were invited to the Pro & Contra Talk by the Senate of the Economy. The focus was on the question of what digitalization brings to the company’s own purpose, especially in the area of:

  • Digital transformation of processes
  • Digitalization in production

What might be missing besides the already existing willingness to experiment & the willingness to change, you can check in the following video (Pro & Kontra Talk from 01:39:15):

Digitization as a holistic process:

Digitization often speaks of the magic triangle: technology-human-process. A successful transformation requires harmonizing the 3 pillars. This means not only establishing the right technology and digital processes, but also creating the right mindset among employees in a company.

This requires holistic strategies or roadmaps. In other words, starting from the management level of a company, not only the visible, but also the invisible factors for a company transformation must be taken into account. Since this is often the biggest challenge for companies, we have developed the Change Architects.

They are intended to help view digitization not only from a process or technological perspective, but also to include the major human factor.

If you are also facing such a challenge and would like to learn more about the holistic approach of a transformation, we have tried to present challenges and success factors with the Change Architects using practical examples.

Event note: By the way, the next two event days will take place in January as part of the SME Roadshow 2020 with the following topics:

  • Sustainable management
  • Internationalization