Capability Future of work

7 steps to make sure your agile transformation fails 

Transforming your entire organization to become agile is one of the most ambitious change projects one can undertake. Even for experienced change professionals the road is fraught with pitfalls. Think you have it figured out? Think again...
A woman standing in what seems to be here flat wearing a virtual reality device. In the background you can see through a window and get a glimpse of neighbour buildings.

Use Cases for Virtual Reality in KMUs

Digitalisierung zum Anfassen! Das ist unser Credo, wenn es darum geht Digitalisierung in Unternehmen, unabhängig der Größe, zu integrieren und diese auch mit accilium und unserer 100%igen digitalen DNA vorzuleben.

Home office – The development trap

Die MitarbeiterInnen finden es wahnsinnig toll, die Anreise ins Office zu sparen. Jeden Tag gehen je nach Anfahrtszeit 1-2 Stunden wertvolle Freizeit oder Arbeitszeit verloren. Nicht nur das, auch viel produktiver arbeitet man zu Hause, da man ungestört ist. Kein Kollege stört, kein Gespräch zwischendurch. Nur über Telefon oder Videotelefonie erreichbar zu sein erleichtert die Abgrenzung.

Secrets of building a leading digital company: The OKR framework

We recently published the nine cultural principles (see below) for building a fully digital company, that also lay the foundation for accilium's corporate culture. The principles simultaneously promote teamwork and self-organization, which is significantly reinforced by our company-wide target agreement method: OKRs.

Meeting in VR: For the environment, against infections

Im Rahmen der Regionalmedien Austria-Aktion "Unsere Erde" beleuchtet das ganze Jahr über Themen, die der Umwelt zugute kommen und stellen Projekte und Einsatzmöglichkeiten vor, die nachhaltig wirken. Im Monat April haben sie das Schwerpunktthema "Nachhaltigkeit zu Hause" ausgewählt. In diesem Rahmen stellen sie mit "accilium" ein österreichisches Startup vor, das international durch nachhaltige Ansätze aufhorchen lässt. Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie im Artikel "Für die Umwelt, gegen Infektionen: Meetings via VR" von

Home office? Virtual Office! A crisis-proof way of collaboration

Today I have “personally” met several different people - one of my clients, a bunch of students and also my accilium colleagues. Well, you might ask yourself how that works in times of restricted movement and home office? The answer is a virtual office space providing all the means to continue close collaboration with your team, clients & partner also in times of crisis.

First Global VR Recruiting Day

Struggling to find the right talent? This is how we address that challenge at accilium. Companies from around the globe are in a war for talent – not only to find employees with the right qualifications but today’s younger generations…

The magic of OKRs and why setting goals is crucial for your company

Working with no goals is like having to shoot an arrow with no target. Every organization needs a sense of direction allowing its members to focus on shared goals rather than wander around aimlessly in several directions. Setting objectives can align an organization by connecting company, team and personal intentions to measurable results.​ ​

Future mobility in the context of urban planning

The 3rd event by “Wiener Energie Impulse” on the 4th of October 2017 focused on the future of mobility and resulting challenges for the urban planning of the City of Vienna. Eveline Steinberger-Kern (Founder and Managing Director, The Blue Minds Company) was leading through…

Virtual reality and new digital technologies in education

The main focus of the evening at was to look at virtual reality and other digital technologies as innovative teaching tools. However, in our opinion, education is one of many potential fields about to be revolutionized by the use of virtual reality. Alexander Hotowy…

How virtual reality will transform training and coaching for the better

accilium is a boutique consultancy, which has recognized that digitalization and automatization will affect not only everyone’s daily routine, but also the overall qualification requirements and employment models. Consequently, our approach is disruptive, interdisciplinary and future-oriented.  Digitalization – What does…