The main focus of the evening at was to look at virtual reality and other digital technologies as innovative teaching tools. However, in our opinion, education is one of many potential fields about to be revolutionized by the use of virtual reality. Alexander Hotowy (Managing Partner, accilium) presented use cases and growth potentials for VR-Technology within the education sector at
The keynotes by Markus Pargfrieder (CEO, Responsive Spaces GmbH) and Alexander Hotowy gave interesting insights to virtual reality as a training tool, followed by a discussion about the trends and potential of virtual reality in the education sector. With VR as a tool for training, new possibilities of cooperation on a global scale are given.
Furthermore, participants had the chance to test VR solutions, like the one from our partner Arthur Technologies, hands-on at the event and take a look at the future of learning.
“Virtual collaboration has huge business potential. No traveling, less pollution, a richer meeting experience … you pick your most valued benefit yourself!” (Alexander Hotowy, accilium).

Virtual Reality – Advantages, opportunities for growth and application examples
The rapidly advancing digitization of our environment is changing our understanding of communication and training. Users can exchange ideas, present data and work with 3D models together in real time – without any physical limitations like space or gravitation – giving you superpowers which almost feel like magic. Thereof plenty of use cases emerge. From generic brainstorming, workshops and training, to development and production processes – in Arthur, you can go beyond conventional collaboration possibilities.
If you want the read more on this topic, check out our article “How virtual reality will transform training and coaching for the better”.