Meeting in VR: For the environment, against infections

Im Rahmen der Regionalmedien Austria-Aktion "Unsere Erde" beleuchtet das ganze Jahr über Themen, die der Umwelt zugute kommen und stellen Projekte und Einsatzmöglichkeiten vor, die nachhaltig wirken. Im Monat April haben sie das Schwerpunktthema "Nachhaltigkeit zu Hause" ausgewählt. In diesem Rahmen stellen sie mit "accilium" ein österreichisches Startup vor, das international durch nachhaltige Ansätze aufhorchen lässt. Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie im Artikel "Für die Umwelt, gegen Infektionen: Meetings via VR" von

Austria as bridge builder for CEE & SEE

The SENATE OF ECONOMICS invited to a dialogue on Austria as a bridge builder for Central and Southeast Europe. Find more information about the dialogue in the article "Austria as a bridge builder for Central and Southeast Europe".

Electromobility in rural areas – a solution approach

AVERAGE READING TIME: 2 Min 52 Sec The numbers speak for themselves. In December 2019, only 0.6% of passenger cars registered in Austria were purely electric. This is roughly equivalent to one electric car for every 170 conventionally powered cars.…

3 Myths about hydrogen mobility

In their guest commentary, Welf Wiemer and Alexander Hotowy from accilium describe the potential applications of (green) hydrogen in the mobility sector. More information about (green) hydrogen in the mobility sector.

Home office? Virtual Office! A crisis-proof way of collaboration

Today I have “personally” met several different people - one of my clients, a bunch of students and also my accilium colleagues. Well, you might ask yourself how that works in times of restricted movement and home office? The answer is a virtual office space providing all the means to continue close collaboration with your team, clients & partner also in times of crisis.

Optimising electric vehicle charger siting

The shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is picking up pace, and with that comes the need for substantial expansion in EV charging infrastructure. Determining the optimum locations for EV chargers will help to provide great driver experience, maximize return on…

From hype to everyday usability – Hydrogen

ESTIMATED READING TIME: 1 min 53 sec On Thursday, the 30th of January, Jacques Schill and Johannes Scherrer, had the pleasure to attend the WKÖ event “H2B – Wasserstoff trifft Wirtschaft”, and listened to inspiring speakers on how hydrogen could be a…

First Global VR Recruiting Day

Struggling to find the right talent? This is how we address that challenge at accilium. Companies from around the globe are in a war for talent – not only to find employees with the right qualifications but today’s younger generations…

New mobility concepts

The global vehicle stock has been rising for years. This leads to rising traffic congestion in heavily populated areas across the world. Not just users of overcrowded streets are confronted with inescapable traffic jams, also residents run a greater risk…