3 years anniversary of accilium – Time to celebrate?

Due to the circumstances, we didn’t make a fuzz out of it, but March 2020 was the 3 years anniversary of accilium. Despite looking back at many great successes, growing a team of over 50, opening 3 offices in Vienna, Munich and Berlin and being awarded one of the best consultancies in Germany, in the end not everything turned out as planned.

While shooting a video for our anniversary to thank our partners, clients and teams (see video below), like all of us, we were surprised by and had to deal with the outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19. Not much time to celebrate anymore, but we decided to stay loyal to our claim “Build to evolve”.

Hence after a first shock, we figured that our vision and the motivation that drives us and makes us believe in what we do was still there and the pre-COVID statements of our 3 Co-Founders Alexander Hotowy, Alexander Rauscher & Peter Allan will outlast the crisis by far.

So we decided to continue our journey with more drive than ever, spread optimism and support our clients and partners by developing new digital products and services which we are convinced, will help us through crisis together. Only some examples:

And despite all, we don’t want to miss the chance to thank all our companions for the awesome ride and the trust. The good news is, with great confidence, we will definitely continue to orchestrate the automotive, energy and public sector in building the mobility ecosystem of the future.

Last but not least, thank you all for 3 awesome years, definitely more to come and in the end the way of celebration might be different than anticipated, but we are always finding new ways 🙂