Function Strategy & Innovation

9 Bausteine zum rentablen Geschäftsmodell

Innovation muss ganzheitlich betrachtet werden – von der Idee bis zur Implementierung. Denn oft scheitert Innovationsentwicklung nicht an vielversprechenden Ideen, sondern an einer prozessualen Umsetzung. Der Fokus sollte dabei auf der Etablierung des dahinterliegenden Geschäftsmodells liegen. Von der Geschäftsidee zum…

Wie Innovationseinheiten in Krisenzeiten glänzen können

View to the top of high office buildings into a grey sky.
Corporate innovation units such as innovation or digital labs, incubators, accelerators, and other archetypes with a focus on creating new ventures are nowadays employed more and more frequently by corporations and partly also SMEs.

Wie man eine Softwareorganisation nachhaltig aufbaut

A colourful html data set on a screen that vanishes towards the right side of the picture into a darker shade.
A challenge traditional industry players have been dealing with maybe not overnight but for the last years in a rapidly growing digital environment. Hence, they are eager to speed up their transformation efforts and excel the transition from hardware to software provider to keep ahead of their competition. On the verge of this major shift they are facing 3 dominating trends to be addressed with great attention: Digital Transformation, Customer Cetricity & New Business Models.

Innovationskraft in der Krise – zwischen Lippenbekenntnis und Überlebenskampf!

Luftaufnahme einer Straße, die sich im Wald befindet und eine gerade Kurve von 180 Grad beschreibt.

Alexander Hotowy wurde vom Senat der österreichischen Wirtschaft als Vordenker für innovative und digitale Unternehmenskultur aufgrund aktueller Entwicklungen eingeladen, darüber zu schreiben, was es aus seiner Sicht braucht, um auch in Krisensituationen erfolgreich innovativ zu bleiben und welche Herausforderungen in…

Teil III: Robo-Taxis im Stadtzentrum – ein nicht allzu fernes Szenario

A road that turns around a couple of trees inside a city centre.
Driverless Cars, renewed urban traffic concepts, new business models in and around mobility solutions – discussions about an autonomous future entail all of these vibrant topics, and so did our MaaS Conference in November 2019. Which are the challenges, cities and governments are facing? What technological solutions are already available, and which issues are vehicle manufacturers confronted with? Which role will data and data security take? What does autonomous driving entail for each individual and our everyday lives? And when and how will we get to the autonomous future?

Teil II: Wie passen selbstfahrende Autos in unsere Gesellschaft?

Driverless cars, renewed urban traffic concepts, new business models in and around mobility solutions – discussions about an autonomous future entail all of these vibrant topics, and so did our MaaS Conference in November 2019. Which are the challenges, cities and governments are facing?

Ideen, wie man in einer Krise innovativ sein kann

Using a crisis as an opportunity to disrupt your business model is easier said than done. Right now, the web is flooded with articles on the importance of agility, digitization and disruption post-corona.