Sector Public Sector & Infrastructure

Clean, quiet, safe: What mobility mix does a livable city need?

Günter Steinbauer, Alexander Hotowy und Alexandra Reinagl stehen auf einer Bühne bei einer Live-Streaming-Veranstaltung und sprechen miteinander.
Rund um die Fragestellung “Sauber, leise, sicher: "Welchen Mobilitätsmix braucht die lebenswerte Stadt?” haben die Wiener Linien zu einem spannenden Tag in die Remise des Verkehrsmuseums in Wien, moderiert von Alexander Hotowy, Managing Partner von accilium, geladen.

Part II: How Can Self-Driving Cars Fit into our Society?

Driverless cars, renewed urban traffic concepts, new business models in and around mobility solutions – discussions about an autonomous future entail all of these vibrant topics, and so did our MaaS Conference in November 2019. Which are the challenges, cities and governments are facing?

Austria as bridge builder for CEE & SEE

The SENATE OF ECONOMICS invited to a dialogue on Austria as a bridge builder for Central and Southeast Europe. Find more information about the dialogue in the article "Austria as a bridge builder for Central and Southeast Europe".

Electromobility in rural areas – a solution approach

AVERAGE READING TIME: 2 Min 52 Sec The numbers speak for themselves. In December 2019, only 0.6% of passenger cars registered in Austria were purely electric. This is roughly equivalent to one electric car for every 170 conventionally powered cars.…

3 Myths about hydrogen mobility

In their guest commentary, Welf Wiemer and Alexander Hotowy from accilium describe the potential applications of (green) hydrogen in the mobility sector. More information about (green) hydrogen in the mobility sector.

Optimising electric vehicle charger siting

The shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is picking up pace, and with that comes the need for substantial expansion in EV charging infrastructure. Determining the optimum locations for EV chargers will help to provide great driver experience, maximize return on…

New mobility concepts

The global vehicle stock has been rising for years. This leads to rising traffic congestion in heavily populated areas across the world. Not just users of overcrowded streets are confronted with inescapable traffic jams, also residents run a greater risk…

MaaS Conference 2019: It’s a wrap!

Two exciting days of MaaS Conference in Vienna are over. Two days full of defining and informing content, two days of relaxed and engaging networking. Together with our two partners Business Circle and NewMoto and host Christian Clerici we have delivered a package that will last. Last…