Many small and medium-sized enterprises feel the regulatory pressure particularly intense. But what if these challenges actually offer hidden opportunities?
The European economic landscape presents many challenges to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). EU regulations such as the CSDDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) affect not only their primary target groups but also impose significant hurdles on medium-sized businesses, appearing to be insurmountable obstacles. However, what looks like a barrier at first can become a great opportunity with timely action.
From Problem to Solution: How accilium and Its Partners Help Industrial Companies Gain Competitive Advantages
The planned regulations require significant transparency in the supply chains of directly obligated large corporations. Passing these requirements along the supply chain can lead to enormous complexity and massive administrative efforts, even for medium-sized enterprises. This represents not only a financial but also an organizational burden.
Inaction is not an option! Delaying action can lead to reduced competitiveness even in the short term. Together with the law firms PENDL MAIR Rechtsanwälte and Geuer Rechtsanwälte, accilium can help mitigate both business and legal risks early on with a holistic understanding of the problem.
Through the jointly developed approach, both medium-sized businesses and directly obligated corporations benefit. The collaborative approach ensures that, in addition to meeting legal obligations, business benefits are also derived from the transparency and resilience of supply chains with maximum efficiency of the project setup.
In times of novel challenges, the right advisory and implementation strategy is crucial. accilium and its partners stand as strong allies to the industry, turning the necessity for compliance into an opportunity for growth and success.

Stefan Cibulka-Rothauer

Felix Kleiner
Expert Geopolitics & Senior Associate

Dr. Ermano Geuer
Rechtsanwalt, GEUER Rechtsanwälte OG

Sebastian Feurstein, Mag. iur., BA
Rechtsanwalt, PENDL MAIR Attorneys