Until recently, vehicle manufacturers around the world have stood by the statement that: “Electric Vehicles are a niche, and will never go mass market”. Then a big transition occurred and in 2019 car shows from Los Angeles to Frankfurt shared one irrefutable position: electric is the future.
From a niche market to Electric Vehicles being the future
The widespread adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) holds the potential for a more sustainable future for both the automotive and energy industry. Working in collaboration, accilium and DNV GL´s latest position paper Electric Vehicles: the merger of the automotive and energy industry investigates the potential for and business models of Electric Vehicles for both utilities as well as vehicle manufacturers.
It explores:
- How the EV closes the gap between the automotive and energy industry and the role EVs play in current and new business models
- How utilities, vehicle manufacturers and customers can benefit from the new mobility ecosystem which encompasses the Electric Vehicle.

Download your copy today to find out how e-mobility will transform the automotive and energy industry by converging these two historically distinct sectors to enable a set of new business opportunities.