The signature building on the outskirts of Laakirchen, the Miba Forum, was hosting venue of the eMobility training on the 11th of September, 2018. With participants from several institutions ranging from automotive industry representatives to charging infrastructure experts, this training was held to impart insights and future business models in the eMobility universe. Top-class speakers discussed impacts of digitalization, blockchain use-cases and effects on players in the field.
In addition to mesmerizing lectures by Wolfgang Kalny on blockchain technology as a tool for future mobility solutions and Roland Kuras on energy infrastructure, Engagement Manager and mobility expert Ekkehardt Klein held an exciting presentation on developments in the mobility environment as well as the influences of pervasive digitalization:

Challenges and chances in the e-mobility universe
The increasing electrification of our cars, triggered by digitalization and rising CO2 levels, is rapidly changing our understanding of mobility and challenges players outside of the classical automotive sector. Electrified cars enable us to see mobility in a much broader perspective and to derive new business models from them, while technologies like blockchain helps us administrate those changes.
While the market share of electric vehicles will be 7-10% by the year of 2030, depending on the region, structural changes for OEM´s can already be seen. Providing appropriate charging infrastructure and a powerful grid, as well as protecting and monetarizing the large amounts of data that will be generated are going to be a challenge for players in the mobility environment.