Today I have “personally” met several different people – one of my clients, a bunch of students and also my accilium colleagues. Well, you might ask yourself how that works in times of restricted movement and home office? The answer is a virtual office space providing all the means to continue close collaboration with your team, clients & partner also in times of crisis.
Of course it is not a replacement for face-to-face meetings but it is a way to interact and collaborate on a more sophisticated level than by video conferencing for example when personal meetings aren’t possible or economically and ecologically unjustifiable.

Virtual Reality – a crisis proof way of collaboration
Luckily, at accilium we have been working and experimenting with Virtual Reality for almost 3 years now – and thereby gained a lot of experience as we heavily used this technology for multiple “personal” meetings internally as well as with clients.
Unsurprisingly, this technology gained massive attention throughout the last couple of days – following our accilium motto “build to evolve” we used Virtual Reality and provided a variety of different room setups to host several meetings:
- Company wide information meeting
- Internal Best Practice Sharing
- University Lectures
- Client alignments

At accilium we have a strong focus on personal information exchange between all our teams and offices – Virtual Reality enables us to continue this form of collaboration, even in times of travel restrictions and social distancing. We held our company wide get-together and virtualized our best practice sharing sessions in perfectly set-up VR rooms.
As a matter of fact, as you might also already have experienced in the last days, to uphold a high level of communication and effective team work being on remote, not only requires the digital tools but also the right structure and company culture. So if you are still working on the transition to home office, remember to support your employees in all three pillars.
Because what we have already learnt about the crisis is, it definitely shook up the traditional ways of collaboration and will help us find new, innovative alternatives for the future.

To sum up, technologies like virtual reality not only help us as digital company to communicate & collaborate as effectively as possible under the given circumstances but also the feedback of our participants was great. Everyone was happy to have the possibility to change the current scene and escape from their own 4 walls.
Want to learn how to use the virtual office to overcome crisis and continue collaboration within your team? Just drop us a line, we are happy to share our learnings!