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How to build a software organization sustainably

“If you went to bed last night ​as an industrial company, ​you’re going to wake up this morning ​as a software and analytics company”

Jeff Immelt, Former CEO General Electric

A challenge traditional industry players have been dealing with maybe not overnight but for the last years in a rapidly growing digital environment. Hence, they are eager to speed up their transformation efforts and excel the transition from hardware to software provider to keep ahead of their competition. On the verge of this major shift they are facing 3 dominating trends to be addressed with great attention:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Customer Centricity
  • New Business Models

The core stacks underlying these trends and understanding oneself more and more as software organization are:

  • the people within the organization
  • the processes and used methods
  • the implemented tools

For a successful transformation and to operate a software organization sustainably these stacks have to be perfectly aligned, building the foundation of the company’s culture and the long-term strategic vision. In other words, it is not enough to implement the right (digital) tools and processes, but the digital agenda has to be incorporated in the company culture as a whole and supported by its people.

Roadmap on how to build a software organization sustainably

To overcome the biggest challenge of all and address these 3 core stacks on an equal level, we, accilium, and collaboration Factory put our heads together. We thought about how to optimize the support for companies in their transition.

Two companies who recently wrote founder stories themselves by successfully building up organizations with a fully digital DNA within the last years. Additionally, by teaming up on this mission, we managed to fill a common gap within the triangle processes-technology-people and bundle collaboration Factory’s expertise in software development and process design with our know-how in process and management development and implementation.

As a result, we consolidated our best practices and all our learnings and created an approach to design roadmaps to a digitized future for industrial players by combining our entrepreneurial spirit with our fields of expertise in the automotive, electric utility, and public services sector.

About collaboration Factory  

collaboration Factory AG is a global provider of business software solutions. It was founded in 2014 by project management pioneer Dr. Rupert Stuffer with the intention of radically innovating the project management software market. collaboration Factory aims to empower communities, make application development accessible for all user groups, and offer next-generation solutions for project management.

About accilium – Pervasive Digitalization

We have driven digital transformation for over a decade and approach it from three perspectives namely the people’s, the process’ and the tool’s. This catalyzes the necessary mindset change and facilitates the rollout throughout the organization to realize the ROI.

We build bridges between corporates and startups to introduce new technologies and to establish new ways of working. accilium GmbH is a platform with a mission to nurture our client’s digital and user centric thinking capabilities.